Wednesday, 16 October 2019

A clock

Years ago, my great-grandmother give to her daughter a valued clock that was of his mother.
The tradition of my family says that, when you are 15 years old, your mother must give you this clock.

It is made of iron, and it is a little bit oxidated because of the years it have (we don't know exactly the year it was made, but the last documentation we have of it is in the 1905). Although its origins, the numbers are not in roman.
The cover of the clock is made of glass to protect it.
It has a piece that stands out to tie the chain a long time ago, because nowadays there isn't

The clock doesn't work, another time because of the age.

This clock is very important to me because it has take a lot of generations to arrive to me, so if in the future I have any daughter, I will pass it to him, and I know that she's going to take care of it like I'm going to do.


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