Wednesday, 17 July 2019

„Zollverein” Colliery

Zollverein Colliery

Picture: A.Murmann CC BY-SA 4.0
CollieryZollverein is an abandoned coal mine in the city of Essen. Today it is an industrial monument. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001. That makes her very famous. Many people come every year to see the old buildings. Among them are also many visitors from abroad.

Two important museums were set up in the old buildings. In the Ruhrmuseum visitors can learn about the history of industry in the Ruhr area. The RedDot-Design Museum displays everyday objects that have been beautifully designed, such as kitchen appliances. A park has also been created in which visitors can admire works of art and old industrial buildings

How did it become a monument?

The Zollverein colliery was founded in 1834. Hard coal was found there for the first time this year. The coal was to be mined in tunnels underground and then transported by rail to other cities. At that time the colliery mined the most coal in Germany. Coke ovens were built nearby, where the coal was baked in huge ovens and converted into coke. Coke is needed for the production of iron. Again and again new and better winding towers were built. At that time, the Zollverein colliery was considered the most modern and most beautiful colliery in the world. The colliery survived the Second World War almost without damage. So it could be used again quickly. The colliery was closed down in 1986. The buildings and shafts have been considered monuments ever since. Such an industrial monument should remind us that this kind of industry was very important in the past. At Zeche Zollverein this is the coal mining industry.  Ph.W.

Picture: A.Murmann CC BY-SA 4.0


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