Wednesday, 25 September 2019



·            Six eggs
·            6 potatoes peeled, cut in half, and sliced horizontally
·            One large onion, sliced
·            Salt
·            ½ litre of olive oil


·            In a large stockpot over medium high heat, add 3/4 litres of olive oil. When it is hot but not smoking, add the potatoes and onions. Lower heat to medium. Cook, poaching the potatoes and onions until the potatoes are fork tender, about 10 minutes.
·            Meanwhile, in a large bowl, crack your eggs and beat. Add salt.
·            You need two frying pans and a large plate.
·            When your potatoes and onions are done, strain them, reserving two tbsp. of oil. Let them cool for at least 10 minutes. When your potatoes are cool enough to touch, then mix them in with your scrambled eggs.
·            In a frying pan, add one tbsp. of your reserved oil. Heat over medium heat until almost smoking.
·            Now add your egg and potato mixture, and as soon as it hits the pan, start stirring the eggs so that they coagulate and the uncooked part goes to the bottom, and you get some cooked egg on top.
·            Simultaneously, as you are stirring the centre, with your wooden spoon, drag it along the edges to make sure that it is drying up.
·            When you feel that there won’t be enough egg mix lost when you do “The Flip”, then place your large plate (it must be larger than the circumference of your frying pan) on top of the pan, and with a flick of your wrist, flip the tortilla onto the plate, and then slide back into the frying pan.

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