Thursday 8 August 2019

Guard dancing workshop in Babenhausen

On May 2nd, 2019 Maria, Alicia, Joana, Sophia, Amy and Mia organized a Garde workshop for the exchange students from Lithuania, Spain and Portugal of the Erasmus project. When the Germans went to Spain they also did a Flamenco workshop with all the countries, prepared by the Spanish student team. The idea behind was to introduce a local traditional dance to the visiting students.
At 8.30 we had welcomed the exchange students in the foyer. After we met we went together to the sports hall. When everyone had changed their clothes, we warmed up. First of all we ran five rounds through the hall, afterwards we stretched ourselves.
When we all were warmed up, we split up country wise. We wanted to do a kind of European championship (the real one taking place in a town nearby the weekend after). There were always two Germans per group who taught them the dance steps. Each group had ten minutes to create a little dance. After the time was over, the Lithuanians presented first. They were all very in sync and were able to implement the learned steps very well. The Portuguese had a shorter dance but they also did very well. The Spanish presented last, their steps were very demanding.
After everyone had presented we had to decide a winner. They all did their best so we couldn´t decide one.
It was really surprising how well they did, after the short time.

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