Friday, 19 October 2018

Tuesday 16th report by Júlia Antich

On Tuesday we woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning and then, at 8 o'clock we arrived at school. The first thing that we made was an ice breaking activity: We learnt how to dance Flamenco!
Maria Maroto showed us a small dance and then we put Flamenco music and we all did improvised dances. We all had a great time.
After that activity, we started a project: the Jilster magazine about our personal heritage, while the teachers were visiting the school.
Then, we all had breakfast and we presented ourselves. We had to say: Hello, my name is... and my hobbies are... This small activity was cool, because we learnt some things about each other.
When we finished, the Erasmus+ students visited La Sagrada Familia, which is one of barcelona`s UNESCO sites. They all liked it. Tuesday was a long but a beautiful day.

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