The common
heritage also includes documents. The Frankfurt Institute for Town History (Institut
für Stadtgeschichte) is one of the places responsible for the preservation and
accessibility of historical documents.
Frankfurt copy of the "Golden Bull" is an official World Documentary Heritage
of the Frankfurt City Archive. This part of the Constitution of the Holy
Roman Empire of 1356 regulated the election of the German kings.
The Erasmus
Project Group of the Offene Schule Babenhausen had the opportunity to visit
not only the archive but also the restoration laboratory and to learn about the
difficulties of and possibilities in preserving old documents.
Due to
changes in the production of paper, documents from the last 150 years are much
more difficult to obtain than much older objects. It remains open whether
everything will still be readable or accessible in 100 years' time. Perhaps our
generation will be as badly documented as the early Middle Ages.
It's good to have a memory bank for the future generations